At MillsPoint Goods we believe the canines in our lives deserve the best care we can offer as expressed, on a basic level, in the The Five Freedoms standard of humane care. The canines we love are learning all the time, so if we want a fun life together, practicing behaviors we both like is key. In our experience, shared positive experiences lead to rewarding relationships. Learning is more fun when every member of the team trusts each other. MillsPoint Goods’ training tools for humans & canines encourage positive interactions and exploration.
MillsPoint Goods sells USA Biothane leashes, longlines, collars, and one piece leash/ easy harnesses.
Products at MillsPoint Goods:
Longlines and adjustable leashes are valuable training tools. Longlines allow canines space to enjoy normal canine behaviors including sniffing. Safely practicing recalls is a priority for many teams; easy on a longline. Ten, fifteen, or twenty foot longlines provide a large area for canine exploration. USA Biothane items are strong, durable, flexible, and do not rot, stretch, shrink or stink!
Our tools for humans and canines are available by completing the Contact form on this site, or visit our physical store at Something to Wag About in Ellsworth, Maine. We can arrange to ship your order or make an appointment to visit MillsPoint Goods in Brooksville, Maine.

For specific information about our products, please click on the links below.